Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Up Against the Wall of Science

OK, OK. It's been a while, huh? Nice to see you all again, and it is nice to be seen.
That horseshit aside, it has not been nice to be me over the past couple months. I have been going through my own fucking version of that really deep circle of hell Dante talked about, the one in which a three-faced Satan is chewing on Judas Iscariot and a couple other clowns to punish them for their crimes against humanity, nature or both.

Perhaps all this has come about because of my anti-religion tirade (see entry "A Mighty Fortress.") I'm not sure if that's the case, but whatever this is, I just wish it would stop.

In case you missed it, I have been treated of late for a condition known in medical textbooks as 'fucked-up shoulder." This condition is, well, painful. I have an entire medicine chest full of codeine and other painkillers, and you know what? I don't even take them anymore, because I have taken so many of them that they just don't bloody do anything, OK? Which is unfair. I can eat an Oreo cookie and my blood sugar will skyrocket, right? Well, you would think that a narcotic that you goddamned near have to have a pistol to get from a pharmacy would be as effective at effecting some sort of change in your physical plant. I mean, I would not expect it to make my blood sugar go up, nor would I consider that very good, seeing as it's been horrible lately anyway. But it just seems that if they make a fucking pill and class it as a painkiller it should do SOMETHING, and these pills no longer do anything. I might as well skulk into some Catholic church and make off with a shitload of consecrated hosts and take them every night before bed, because then I might at least have a chance of getting better or at least getting to heaven if this kills me dead, which sometimes I think it is going to.

But one thing all this "FU shoulder" business has done for me is further reinforced my contempt for the medical "system." I hate the office that I was going to for physical therapy. I say that I was going there because I am not going there anymore. The doctors decided that I should not be going to physical therapy because the physical therapy "probably is aggravating the problem." Which means why the fuck did they send me to these unlicensed meatbeaters without knowing for blood sure what was wrong with me?

It was horrible. The PT place is in this huge building called a "Health Park" that is no goddamned park at all in mymind because a park is a place you go to have a picnic and anything happening to me in this health park in no way, shape or form resembles a picnic, and you can take that as gospel from me.

The building is huge, and they have a place when you walk in that is called a health concierge. Imagine that. A concierge. For your health. A concierge is the guy or woman in a hotel who finds you dental floss or gets you a weather forecast or, I am told, in some lower-class joints tells you where easy women might be found. I am not sure what this health concierge does, but you know what? I don't really give a shit, because when I am in a "health park" I am looking for a health provider rather than for weather forecasts or dental floss or easy women. That's just how it is.

And once you get past that fucking place, there is a baby grand player piano pounding out show tunes from the '40s and '50s, the kind of things they call timeless classics but really are songs that you vaguely know but can't recall the name of and really don't want to hear or remember anyway. For the name of God, why did they put this thing in the hallway in a huge building filled with doctors' offices? Who the hell wants to listen to show tunes on a player piano as a prep for sitting in a doctor's waiting room for 45 minutes when you feel like refried shit to begin with?
The one thing that amuses me about this place is one sign that just gasses me:


Can there ever have been a better name for a urologist? Whenever I see it, it also reminds me of a headline from years ago. I can't recall the specifics of the story, but the headline was hilarious:

I am sure it was a sadly failed attempt at a pun (his "peers" would not, of course, be his "pee-ers," unless he was treating colleagues). Funny nonetheless.

So I went to this PT place and was beaten up by this physical therapist. She had given me PT after a knee operation many years ago, and to be honest I'd taken quite a fancy to her back in those days, and after all it is not unusual to take a fancy to someone who makes your pain go away, even if they are the ones causing it. Do you remember in "Nineteen Eighty-Four," when O'Brien was tormenting Winston Smith, trying to alter his perception of how many fingers he was seeing? Every time the torment would stop, Winston would sob in O'Brien's arms and feel like he loved him for making the pain endeven though O'Brien was the one with his hand on the dials.

Same with this stuff. This very attractive woman would hook me up to these bizarre machines and send electrical currents through me that would boil the piss right out of my bladder, and then just when I felt as if somehow she was hiding a set of horns in her gorgeous flowing hair she would throw an icebag on my shoulder and I could swear she was the Madonna incarnate.

So I don't see her anymore, which is both a good thing and a bad thing, since as I said I sort of came to fancy her in the way that we humans fancy people that we of course would never pursue. But then the doctors came up with a far more dire idea of what the shoulder problem might be, and I don't want to get into what that was, other than that the doctor who said it out loud probably should not have.

But I tested out OK for that, and next I have to go to a neurologist. I have seen this guy before for another problem, and I get a kick out of him because not only is he a nice guy, but he also looks like he's about 14. This is kind of funny to me, and I always call him by his first name because of it, and frankly I don't give a shit if it offends him. What is he going to do about it...tell his dad to beat me up?

So I will try to stay in closer contact than I have been. Also, time is running very short for me to move the blog, and I don't want to lose all this work. So if anyone can tell me an easy way to 'import" it to another site (is that the word?), please contact me at fiddler26@verizon.net .

Sorry to be a nudge, but sometimes even the best of us don't know what the fuck we are doing, and that does not at all mean we are bad people, right?


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